Friday, September 25, 2009

First Week of Work

They told us it would be an adventure. It was. Oh boy howdy it was. My first day of my work placement was alright, we got there, got a little oriented, and did quite a bit of reading. The reading was interesting because it was all about sex, sexual health, and sexual health statistics. Some were surprising, others were not. So most of the day goes by without much excitement (besides the excitement of actually being at our work placement). I woke up that morning feeling a little under the weather, hardly being able to swallow. This eased up throughout the day. 4PM rolls around (we work 9-5) and I leave the room to go pick up another article to read. I come back and my work counterpart is in so much pain she is in tears. We ended up calling our project supervisor and she drove us to the hospital. Still in tears and buckled over in pain, they tell my work counterpart that it will be a 2 hour wait to be seen. By this time she has been in pain for almost 45 minutes. Long story short, we ended up waiting 8 hours until we were able to leave (she stopped being in excruciating pain after about 5 hours). But our evening isn't over then, because its still a 30-40 minute drive home! (by car!) So I stumble in around 1 am to my host family's house. Luckily the next day we were allowed to sleep in due to the circumstances. So the next morning, completely unaware of my current circumstance, my house counterpart comes to check if I have slept in. She enters my room and shakes me awake, prompting a "WHAT.DO.YOU.WANT"... a little taken aback she asks "are you going to work this morning?" which led to a firm, loud NO. Then I immediately fell back asleep (the previous events may not have happened in this way, its what my mind told me happened). Waking up several hours later and realizing that this had actually happened I felt quite guilty. So day two we work, not only am I tired, but my sore throat has moved into my nose and made me slightly congested. The day ends with me apologizing to my counterpart for the morning's outburst, talking to dearest mother, and making myself a zombie in front of the television. Today. I AM SICK. No more pretend, I am without a doubt, full.on.sick. I also think I'm the first person in the program to get a cold. Go figure. As I write this blog, I am missing a party that is being held specifically for us. It's an hour long bus ride. I almost fell asleep on the WALK home, not in the state to be partying. Plus tomorrow we have a self-defense class. I had a choice between party and potentially have fun (or feel like crawling into a ditch), or sleep and hopefully feel slightly better tomorrow. I think that I made the right decision, otherwise I might not recover. Now I do believe it is time for tea and food. 

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