Monday, January 11, 2010


So Saturday I went to the beach. It was all lovely and nice. I'm laying on my towel, letting my sunscreen soak in before I head to the water and the next thing I know, theres an extremely well built blonde lifeguard RUNNING top speed down the beach, blowing his whistle. In his hand is a white flag, with a black shark on it. EVERYBODY OUT OF THE WATER he screams. This continued to happen throughout the day. Sharks were definitely at the beach with us that day. It was probably the most exciting thing I've seen in a while. There was chaos and confusion, and then everyone just kind of dealt with the fact that there were sharks and didn't go in the water. Then they took down the shark flag and we all went swimming again. But no! Things were not quite safe yet! There were this blue floaty things which happened to be jellyfish that sting. They were EVERYWHERE! But it's alright, I didn't get hit by one. I made it the whole day without being stung or bitten.

Yesterday we went into town in a fantastic craft market. It was Carla's birthday so we went out for a few drinks and spent the day looking at the market. I finally bought some souveniers for my family, I just hope that they love them. Luckily, I love them so if they end up hating them I'd be more than happy to take everything off their hands. Next step is buying myself some beautiful clothes to wear home. I was going to go back to the holistic market, but there is one more on the first weekend of February which I think that I'll head to. Hopefully the clothes I like will still be there, if I'm lucky. If not, theres a fantastic dress that I just might have to buy. We shall see. I should probably get some nice heels to go with this fantastic dress.

We're starting to think about planning a car wash so that we can raise the money to go to Robben Island. We have some funds from the Stephen Lewis money we received but it doesn't cover the full cost to go. Seeing as this is one of the things I feel I can't leave South Africa without seeing, I will work to raise all the money. This would be an extremely valuable experience for everyone.

I'm working on applying for an internship for when I get back to Canada. This means I might get back and almost immediately turn around. I don't want to speak too much about it because I haven't applied yet, and it's extremely competitive. It would be nice to have a plan when I return though. Backup plan: Teach English in Korea.

There is one more thing that I must say. They have ice cream bars here that are like Haggen Daas, same quality, except they have more flavours and they cost less than $1 CAD. I'm going to get SO FAT off of these things. Talk about a vice! My favourite is a chocolate mint one. They almost taste better than Haggen Daas. I'm trying to convince one of the girls in the group to open up an ice cream factory in Canada to sell these things because they are CRAZY good. Also, the chip flavours here, fantastic! There is this lays flavour, it's special for 2010 World Cup, it's called "sweet and spicy chutney". Holy crap. This is probably the best tasting chip I have ever had. Also, the fish and chips here, soo good. I had this one place, they flash fried it fresh, it was one of the greatest things I've ever had. I want it again, and again, and again. You may not recognize me when I come home, because I am WELL FED.

That's all, I think. Cheers

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