Friday, June 12, 2009


So I have stagnated a little in my fundraising efforts. This weekend I'm having a yard sale that will hopefully serve two purposes: get rid of all the stuff I've been holding onto for no reason since my childhood, and make some money for Canada World Youth. I'm hoping that will help, because my home run apparently had their last meeting for the summer the DAY BEFORE I contacted them. The harsh realities of life I suppose. I'm hoping to go to Sackville sometime soon and expand my fundraising efforts. I'm starting to worry that I won't be able to raise the funds and I'll have to donate the rest of the money myself. In other news, its cold and rainy out so the dog and I are getting fat and lazy. He's sleeping in a bed upstairs, and I'm hardcore procrastinating on getting all of my life together to sell off for a dollar a piece. I'm hoping people will be more generous seeing as none of the funds raised are going into my pocket. I keep reminding myself that this is all one step towards a pivotal moment in my life (I hope). I'm hoping to gain at least a little direction from this experience, and even if I don't, it will be a great learning experience for myself and everyone directly and indirectly involved.

And that is my latest update. Now its time to go back to sorting through my past life. Hopefully I'll find some gems. In the very least, hopefully I'll get rid of the too tight jeans that say "sexy" on the butt that I obtained in a clothing trade. I'd take the stiches out, but then you'd still see a faded "sexy" on the butt, and thats just as embarassing. Thank goodness for long t-shirts. What I'm trying to say is BUY MY JEANS. I'm going to also be selling some clothes that aren't entirely outdated. They just... don't fit anymore. Whatever doesn't sell at my yard sale, I will likely cart to Sackville to see if anyone else fits into my clothes and/or shoes. Yes, thats right, I'm selling shoes. Any shoes that haven't been bought in the last 2 years must go. Size 7-8 depending on the shoe.

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