Thursday, June 4, 2009

I have never blogged before in my life.

So it has come to this. Apparently, I am now officially a blogger. What does that mean? I guess it means that I write stuff down and assume that people care about what I have to say. I'm hoping to use this blog as a space to give updates about my progress and adventures through Canada World Youth. The way I hear it is that long distances calls from South Africa are a little more expensive, and being as I will be volunteering (a nice way of saying making no money), this might be a little more financially viable for me. I'm sure that eventually I'll get the hang of it, and its easier than sending out a impersonal mass email.

I'm working on my fundraising now, and its going. It sucks asking for donations when everyone's pocketbooks are so tight. I'm eternally grateful for every penny I receive, because I know the term "disposable income" is a bit of a misnomer. I'll update again once I figure out this "blogging" deal. Seems to me like its more like an e-diary.

Dear E-Diary, I am well.

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