Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Birthday, Christmas, Work and Love

So it was my birthday. I had a lovely birthday, we went into a different part of the city and did what girls do best. SHOP. Nobody bought anything though because we were checking out all of the expensive designer shops and one must look before they buy! Although I went to a market last week and I did buy a new dress. I'm going again on the 3rd to pick me up some more swag, because there is a BEAUTIFUL dress there that I MUST have.

Moral of the story is that I had a lovely birthday. Thank you everyone who sent me lovely birthday wishes. I appreciated it so much. This includes the girls who are on the program with me! Cheers!

I started work at an abused women's shelter doing reception work with another girl. We're both doing full days at the moment until we get used to the ins and outs. But like most work places, different people are telling us to do things differently (or even opposite) and that leads to us A) getting confused and B) doing something wrong all the time. A few more days and we'll be professionals knowing all the ins and outs I'm sure. The ladies who work there are all lovely people and they've been very inviting. It's the same place where we also hold a lot of our workshops so we're getting to know the place pretty well. There's also 4 girls who work at the daycare at the centre, and 2 more who work in a call centre which is located in the same complex. Because it's festive season, most people are on leave so it seems like we pretty much have taken over the place!

Yesterday we had an HIV/AIDS workshop and it was really lovely. I'm not sure what more I can say about it.

On the 24th, I'm going home with Busi to her family's home until the 26th, then we're going to THE BEACH. I'm pretty excited for Christmas lunch beacuse I've been hearing all about it. Christmas is pretty huge in Cape Town. There's a house down the street from us that is absolutely COVERED in lights. I tried to take a picture of it, but I don't think the pictures do it justice. Our host family went on vacation and now the project supervisors are staying with us to make sure we stay out of trouble. It hasn't been TOO terrible yet. It's been lovely having Jackie stay with us, and Shameema will come after Christmas. Then I'm not sure how they will divide up the rest of the time, we shall see.

I only have a few more minutes of time, so I'll use it to wish everyone all of my love! Merry Christmas and if I don't get a chance to say it beforehand, HAPPY NEW YEAR. Stay safe, have fun and be happy!

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