Monday, December 14, 2009


Today I got a library card! Woohoo! Now I can use the internet for 45 minutes a day for free! No more R8 for 15 minutes (trust me, it's a lot to pay for internet). Today I got internet for R10 for an hour. Our host family is officially going to keep us! That's a huge relief. They are going on a two week vacation, but for the time they are gone, our project supervisors are going to stay with us (thankfully). So we're in a good spot.

All of the Canadian girls are sunburnt. All of the South African girls are sunburnt. I think the only girl who might have escaped a burn is the girl from Kenya. One of the Canadians had heat stroke and fainted. Another one had to go to the doctor and get a wrap. I thought mine was bad because I can't sleep on my right side and my nose is peeling. NOT SO MUCH. I lucked out in the sunburn department.

My email isn't working, I think it might be down? I'm not sure. I'm going to start working at a women's center soon for abused women. Right now we're working on researching the Millenium Development Goals, and once I found out what they were, I realized that they were grafittied around my neighbourhood. Cool stuff. Politically minded people everywhere. We're going to have to hand out a survey to the neighbourhood youth to figure out what types of programs would be beneficial to the community.


That's all I can think of for an update now, I'll let you know more once work time starts. We're also maybe going to Table Mountain next weekend but we aren't entirely sure yet. Here's hoping it works out, because I think we're all a little too sunburnt to go right back to the beach.

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